NAS: Thecus N3200Pro => Thecus N4800Eco

Thecus N3200Pro служил верой и правдой 5 лет. В его внутренностях побывало наверное штук 10 HDD. Сегодня закончил перенос с него данных на новый, подаренный Thecus N4800Eco. Основная причина апгрейда — низкая для текущего времени скорость записи на него (запись ~20 MB/s, чтение — ~60 MB/s, у нового ~110 MB/s в обе стороны).

Порадовало, что GUI web-интерфейс у них почти одинаковый, разве что у нового побольше разных, не особо мне нужных, фишек.

Надеюсь, что новый будет служить также долго и беспроблемно.

P.S. Старый попробую по-дешёвке продать на онлайн-барахолке gumtree 🙂

Thecus N3200PRO: FTPS behind router

Official firmware supports FTPS: Network | FTP > Secure FTP (Explicit) == Enable (I use 1.00.05, in other versions it could be in different place).

However, if your NAS is located behind the router (a bit typical situation, isn't it?) you couldn't use FTPS for sharing files. The problem is simple: by default FTPS will choose port from range 1024-65535, but your router couldn't sniff the port number and open incoming port because the information is already encrypted.

I've found very simple hack: by modifying FTP daemon's option you can narrow the ports range and forward all of them to your NAS.

1. Activate Secure FTP on your NAS.
2. Install and enable SSHD module.
3. Connect to device by SSH and execute command:

/opt/bin/sqlite /app/cfg/conf.db "update conf set v='2 -p 3000:3010' where k='ftp_ssl'"

The new option ("-p 3000:3010") is specified the range of ports which ftp daemon will be used.
4. Re-configure your router and forward all incoming connections to ports 3000-3010 to the NAS.
5. Disable SSHD module.


P.S. When the hack is applied you shouldn't make any changes on FTP configuration page and both radio buttons for "Secure FTP" option will not be checked. It's OK.

P.P.S. If you would like to reverse the hack just go to FTP configuration page, check one of "Secure FTP" radio buttons and "press Apply" button.

To connect using FTPS you can use WinSCP client. Enter IP address/domain name, Port=21, File Protocol=FTP + TLS Explicit encryption. Then check "Advanced options", on page "Connection" check "Passive mode" (it is checked by default) and then on page "FTP" check "Force IP address for passive mode connection".

Another way to connect to the NAS using FTPS is Total Commander's integrated ftp client. Just enter 'ftps://domain' and check SSL/TLS checkbox.